REGISTRATION open and PROGRAMME confirmed: ‘The Artist and the Writer’, Saturday 29th Nov. 10-5, IES, Senate House, London

We are delighted to announce that REGISTRATION is OPEN and the PROGRAMME CONFIRMED for:

‘The Artist and the Writer’ (a Romantic Illustration Network event)

29 November 2014, 10am – 5pm

Institute of English Studies, University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Supported by the British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS): and the University of Roehampton.

REGISTRATION is FREE, but places are LIMITED. Register at:

Full programme below, and at, where all abstracts will be posted in advance of the event.

We look forward to seeing you in November!

10.00 Registration

10.15 Lynn Shepherd (Richardson scholar and novelist): ‘Reading Pamela, picturing Pamela: Samuel Richardson illustrates his novel’

11.00 tea and coffee

11.15 Sandro Jung (Ghent): ‘Thomas Stothard, Romantic Literature, and the Illustrative Vignette’

12.00 Tim Fulford (De Montfort): ‘William Westall and the Lake Poets’

12.45 sandwich lunch

2.00 Sophie Thomas (Ryerson, Canada): ‘Bardic Exhibitionism: Illustration and the ‘Open’ Text in Blake and Gray’

2.45 tea and coffee

3.15 Mary L. Shannon (Roehampton): ‘What Did Dickens Learn From Romantic Illustration?’

3.45 Ruth Richardson (King’s College London; Cambridge): ‘Dickens, Cruikshank, and Oliver Twist’

4.30 Open discussion

5.00pm Close. Please join us for a drink at a pub nearby.

New Bibliography entries added

The Network’s bibliography continues to be updated; do get in touch if you have further suggestions for entries.

Recently added:

Dias, Roemarie. ‘ “A World of Pictures”: Pall Mall and the Topography of Display, 1780-1799’ in Miles Ogborn and Charles Withers, Georgian Geographies: Space, Place and Landscape in the Eighteenth Century (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004).

Jung, Sandro. ‘Illustrated Pocket Diaries and the Commodification of Culture’,
Eighteenth-Century Life, 37.3 (2013): 53-84.

Jung, Sandro. Print Culture, High-Cultural Consumption, and Thomson’s The Seasons,
1780-1797′, Eighteenth-Century Studies, 44 (2011): 495-514.

Jung, Sandro. ‘Thomas Stothard’s Illustrations for The Royal Engagement Pocket
Atlas, 1779-1826′, The Library, 12.1 (2011): 3-22.

Thomas, Sophie. “Poetry and Illustration” in The Blackwell Companion to Romantic Poetry, ed. Charles Mahoney (Blackwell, 2011), pp. 354-373.


‘The Artist and the Writer’, Saturday 29th November, IES, Senate House, London

The Artist and the Writer: second symposium of the Romantic Illustration Network

Saturday 29 November 2014, 10 – 5pm

Institute of English Studies, Senate House, London WC1E 7HU

Lynn Shepherd (Richardson scholar and novelist), Tim Fulford (De Montfort), Sandro Jung (Ghent); Sophie Thomas (Ryerson, Canada); Nicky Watson (Open University); Mary L. Shannon (Roehampton). Supported by the British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS):

Registration required: details, and full programme, to be advertised soon.

T:  0207 862 8675
W: for map and directions.

Meet your fellow-RIN members (2)

In the second of this series, Danielle Barkley from McGill introduces herself:

Hello, members of the Romantic Illustration Network! I’m very pleased to have a chance to introduce myself. I am currently a lecturer at both McGill University and Bishop’s University in Montreal, Canada. I am awaiting a defense date for my doctoral thesis, Reading The Details: Realism and the Silver Fork Novel, 1825-1845. This research focused on the narrative strategies of silver fork novels, arguing that the accumulation of detail was the genre’s major priority, and that in order to represent that detail as fully as possible, these novels  often depart from the narrative norms widely viewed as central to prose fiction.  As I work to turn the thesis into a book manuscript, I’m planning to incorporate new material on illustrations in silver fork fiction, looking at how illustrations furthered the work of presenting detailed accounts of elite lifestyles (or the illusion thereof). I’m also interested in giftbooks and literary annuals, and the role of illustration there. Feel free to contact me at